June 10, 2016

Advance Pattern Co Vintage Dress

It was some sad news to hear Hancock Fabrics went bankrupt recently. It's currently the only fabric store within 30 minutes of where I live. But—looking on the bright side—everything in the store is almost 50% off, so I got some great fabrics and notions yesterday to keep me busy for awhile!

I started with this dress by Advance Pattern Co. (it looks 40's—maybe?) and I think it turned out super cute! Of course I brought the length up...into the 21st century...but other than that, it's the vintage style. Originally I thought I'd ignore the shoulder pads, but it would definitely solve the alignment issues I'm having with the waist and armpits, plus I think it might look kinda sharp anyway, so I'm going to try those (plus, they're easy to take out if I change my mind).

Of course I'm still learning, but I get better every time. The zipper didn't baffle me much this go around, and the button holes were a breeze after I discovered my sewing machine had a nifty little foot that literally did the whole thing for me. (I geeked out over that for like 20 minutes, haha!) I also took it a lot slower than usual and tried to think through how something would work before I started sewing. I didn't cut any corners this time. Like, you know, not forgetting to hide the raw edge or gather with a basting stitch. (I know, I know.) I will say one thing though—collars are the WORST. I spent a few hours trying to figure that one out. And most shirts now don't make them this way (at least most of the ones I had in my closet). It helped when I finally found one I could look at as an example.

Overall, I am really happy with the way it turned out! Can't wait to wear it AND to make more dresses with this pattern!


  1. What a cute dress! I love vintage clothes and sewing as well. (though, personally, I always seem to be struggling with zippers and skirt hems - but you're right, the practice sure helps!) That's such a lovely pattern, too. :)

    1. AHH so sorry; I never saw your comment! Thank you! And that's awesome! You will definitely get better the more you keep at it! Where do you usually get your patterns? P.S. Do you know any way to be notified of comments on Blogger, or do I just need to check my comments tab on the dashboard?
