October 15, 2018

Vintage Wooden High Chair

I found this adorable 1940s-50s high chair in the thrift store the other day for about $15, and I couldn't believe it! I've seen similar ones online going for $200+, so I had to get it.

You do have to be careful with older high chairs, since most of them do not meet the safety requirements for today, but it is possible to modify them so they meet the standards. For anyone who is interested, you can check those out here.


  1. I just found your blog - I have a similar chair that's been in my family since my mum was born in 1948. Mine doesn't have the beads but has a lower platform and folds into a toddler table. It's so sturdy. It's lasted through 3 generations, currently being enjoyed by the 9th kiddo my 2 yr old who likes to wedge his fork into the space between the tray and the arm latch.

  2. My parents had a chair just like this. Did you sell it, or keep it?
