October 26, 2018

Random Inspiration

This post honestly has no rhyme or reason. Every once in awhile, I scroll through images on Google and pull a few that I really like the feel of, so here are three of my favorites from my recent search!

October 15, 2018

Vintage Wooden High Chair

I found this adorable 1940s-50s high chair in the thrift store the other day for about $15, and I couldn't believe it! I've seen similar ones online going for $200+, so I had to get it.

You do have to be careful with older high chairs, since most of them do not meet the safety requirements for today, but it is possible to modify them so they meet the standards. For anyone who is interested, you can check those out here.

October 14, 2018

Project 62 Favorites

Target launched their first collection of the Project 62 brand last year, and it was love at first sight for me. The mid-century inspiration was really strong and felt very authentic. Awhile back, I shared my favorites from that collection, but I thought it was about time to do it again and include some of the newer items. So without further ado, here are the things that stood out the most to me!

The biggest draws for me are the new wall art options. Especially ESPECIALLY that first one with those abstract shapes, clean lines and ivory background. 😍 It's a huge statement piece too, at 24"x36"! But I also love tapered legs and angles, so that tends to be a theme in the furniture that I like.