May 17, 2011

Lovely Blog Award!

The Rules

1—Thank the person who gave you the award
2—Share 7 Random things about yourself
3—Tag several other blogs that you've discovered recently.

The Gratitude

My thank you goes to wardrobeexperience. You should definitely check out her blog—she puts together some amazing outfits! It makes me feel so special that you gave me this award; thank you so much!

The Seven Random Facts

1—I have lived in Florida, Louisiana, Kentucky, Texas, Alabama, and Illinois.
2—In 2nd grade, I sang the Speed Racer theme song for the talent show. (And yes, I mean the original cartoon from the 1960s, lol!)
3—The only time I've been out of the country is when I went on a mission trip to Akil, Mexico.
4—My favorite books are "A Tale of Two Cities" by Charles Dickens and "Out of the Silent Planet" by C.S. Lewis
5—I'm often mistaken for being in high school. It happened four times on my 23rd birthday. Of all days!
6—I took some swing dancing classes while in college.
7—When I was a kid, I accidentally swallowed a penny once.

The New Discoveries

1—Fashionable Forties
2—For the Vintage Fashionista
3—Oh No It's You Again
4—The Little Red Squirrel
5—Swingin it in Vintage


  1. Congratulations on your award. Swing lessons must have been a huge amount of fun!

  2. Yes, swing dancing was so much fun...once I finally got the hang of it! My fiance learned so much faster than me :p but that's ok cause the men do all the leading anyway, lol!

  3. you really deserve it.

  4. Thank you! Very sweet of you to nominate me!

  5. Thank you so much!
    It was so much fun to read your seven random facts. People most often think I'm a lot younger than I am. I used to think I'll like that when I get a bit older - and now I'm getting to the point where I've begun taking it as a compliment =)
    Oh, I just love swing dancing! It's just the best thing in the world!

  6. You're welcome! And about the age, I know I will appreciate it one day; all I can do now is laugh but soon enough I'm sure I will take it as a compliment too! And yes, swing is amazing; I could dance all night except they eventually have to pack up and go home :p
