May 6, 2011

True Blue and New

Here are some photos of my new dress that I bought the other day. I love the style, fit, and color. And my fiance took some great photos! :)

DRESS /  Knee Deep Vintage
COAT / Sydney's Vintage Clothing
SHOES / Gianni Bini (From Dillard's I think?)
HAT / Discovery
FLOWER PIN / Handmade by my great aunt
OWL NECKLACE / A gift from my Granny
PURSE / Forever21

Also, I couldn't help but share this photo of a random kitty attack on an unsuspecting driver. 0:)


  1. The colour of your dress is amazing! x

  2. Yay I love Knee Deep, it's my go-to place when I want vintage and don't want to dig through the thrifts. I'm liking the tan/sea green colour combo too. It's funny but I have a similar dress to this but it's purple with an embroidered pink flower!

  3. Lady Cherry, Thank you! :) And Leilani, yes I loved that store. We should meet there some time, and wear our matching dresses! ;)
