June 17, 2012

Lost and Finds

I had a this weekend to myself, and since I hadn't been to an estate sale in awhile, I wrote down a few addresses and spent Saturday morning driving around. As usual, some were duds and some were absolute treasure chests.

One house was full of vintage children's toys, and if I had a kid, I would definitely use that to justify buying mountains of things for them. I tried to stick to my allotted budget though, so I limited myself to a set of alphabet blocks. I really appreciate them as a graphic designer too, because the illustrations are great.

Something I've been wanting for a long time is a record player. After doing some research, I've found that this is called a General Electric Wildcat, and was produced some time from the late 60s to early 70s. All it needs is a new needle, so I'm trying to figure out which one I need. Does anyone know much about record players? The woman putting on the sale also threw in this set of records, including some of my favorite musical songs from "The King and I", "Sound of Music", "Hello Dolly", and "West Side Story!"

This other great find was a typewriter in perfect condition! I've never used one before, and I'm really excited :P If anyone is familiar with typewriters too, I'd love to hear any advice you have. All I know so far is that it uses a ribbon to apply the ink. Are those still sold so when I need I can replace it?

The find from this picture is the big green box in the middle. It is absolutely full of old Betty Crocker recipes. It's got so many recipes, it's heavy! lol. I will have to try some soon and post if I find anything good!

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