March 9, 2012


I have been having so much fun decorating and exploring lately!

The other day I painted my bathroom and it makes such a huge difference. I thought the color went well with my aqua stuff I already had everywhere. Oh and my kitchen is next. Hopefully some time next week. The only trouble is I can't reach the top, so I'm going to have to wait for a tall person to come visit and recruit them to help me :P

Also, today I went shopping around to all the thrift stores I could find. There are some great ones around here, but my absolute favorite was called the "Way Out" Thrift Store. It's basically a tiny house turned into a treasure chest. And everything from the books and knick-knacks down to the shelves they're sitting on are for sale! So I bought this amazing table for only $8! I also saw this accordion door and thought I could do something really cool with it just as a decorative piece, so here is what I came up with. The living room is still so bare, but at least it's a start.

I also got this amazing two piece vintage dress today, but haven't been able to get a good picture yet for lack of a good enough mirror. I will post pictures of it as soon as I get some good ones!

Anyway, that's all the news for now!

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