October 12, 2017

Vintage Peacock Glassware

I have been on the lookout for a nice set of vintage glassware for awhile now, but I told myself it would have to be both a really really nice design AND price (to prevent impending impulse buys). So when yesterday I found this set of seven glasses for only $20, after about a year of looking, I was finally sold!

I tried to do a little research, but so far with no avail. There are no markings to indicate the manufacturer, and I can't find any posts online with any sort of information. It looks like it would fit in with some examples of Cera glassware that I found, but I couldn't locate any information or history on the company. If anyone knows anything, I'd love it if you could share it with me! All I can say is that they are made with a thin layer of glass that flares out at the top and feels great in the hand. Images of flowers and peacocks are printed on the sides in aqua and gold and the finishing touch is the lovely gold rim.

I also want to use this post to mention this amazing shop I visited in Alexandria, Virginia that really inspired me to find some nice glassware in the first place. It's called The Hour and she started her shop because of the idea that back in the 50's people loved to host cocktail parties, which gave them an excuse not only to get dressed up and bring out their fancy party accessories, but brought people together. She sells some of her pieces online, but they are typically expensive because she knows their value and only sells ones that are in perfect shape. It's still worth checking out though, even if it's just to look at all the pretty designs!

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